Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sachi's Blog Debut!

A bunch of my favorite UTAU makers made blogs, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.
I should have Sachi's voicebank uploaded soon, and she'll be downloadable here. She's made from Taya Soune's voice, but she has her own voice files and runs on romaji instead of hiragana.
She has some problems with "ru" and "wo", but other than that she's relatively glitch free. I'll fix her eventually. Here's some examples of her voicebank:

Hare Hare Yukai TV size:



  1. Okay... Well, I'm sorry to say, but I think that to take the files of an UTAU and use them as your own, and justify it by making them high and squeaky...
    That's just lame -_-;;
    Besides, your blog's color scheme is off.

    Now, you could come back with "Hitora doesn't you your voice, nyyaaaah."
    Well, the difference is that he's a dead guy, and no one has made a folder with him saying all the sounds. I have to hunt through his speeches for usable clips, clip them, save them...
    You get the point.

    It just annoys me that you're just stealing someone else's files...

  2. D: I could get mad and defensive...

    But in all truth, now I feel bad about annoying people. And for once it's not her squeaky voice that's doing it. I am most likely going to voice her once I finish Sen and Ran Hikarine, but ACT1 is Taya based for the sake of having something to work with until then. I know it's kind of lame but if it makes any sense, I based her off Taya for the sake of her existing. This voice is temporary, and I hope that that made any sense whatsoever. If I released her as a Taya based derivative, then I wouldn't be bugged for this, but I chose to release the character as a separate character, which she is, technically, it's kind of like a Miku-Neru or Miku-Haku thing. They're different characters, the person who made them has every right to claim them as "their Vocaloid", even though they share a voice with another character that they didn't make.

    And, on a lighter note, Hitora is a dead guy?
